Stuttgart Almanya` da dünyaya gelen Bahar Koçak İlk ,Orta ve Lise eğitimini Ankara`da tamamladıktan sonra, Amerika`da üç sene dil ve kolej eğitimi alarak Türkiye` ye dönüş yaptı. Döndükten sonra yeniden Üniversite sınavına hazırlanarak, Ankara Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı Opera ve Koro bölümünü kazandı.Eğitimini üçüncülükle tamamladıktan sonra, kariyerini İstanbul`da sürdürme kararı aldı. Müziğin farklı dallarında derece aldığı yarışmalara katıldı.Birçok değerli müzisyen ve Demet Akalın, Ercüment Vural ve Metin Özülkü gibi ünlü isimlerle çalışan ve çeşitli TV programlarında yeralan Bahar Koçak ilk tekli çalışması ‘Fragman’ ı dinleyicilerin beğenilerine sundu.
Bahar Koçak who was born in Stuttgart Germany, moved to Turkey where she studied elementary - middle school through high school and graduated with great success. Following years she moved to California USA and continued her education to improve her language skills & started her undergraduate at college for 3 years.
She then moved back to Turkey where is she continued her education at the University of Ankara State Conservatuary, and succesfully graduated as the 3rd highest GPA graduate in her Major of Opera & Choir studies. After her graduation she decided to continue her career in İstanbul, and moved where she succesfully continued her performance in Music. She attended many music competition & contests where she achieved significant results with great rewards.
Bahar had the opportunity and privilege to work with very famous musicians and celebrities such as Demet Akalın, Ercüment Vural and Metin Özülkü. She currently also performs in several TV shows and music productions on the Turkish National Television. Now with ’ FRAGMAN ’ Bahar Koçak is releasing her first single for the pleasure of her followers and fans.